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Here are the steps on how to book for rhinoplasty post-pandemic. Please send your pics for a detailed plan of the surgery as well as the estimated cost

State your planned date of surgery
If it’s near already: you need the following labs
1. CBC
3. 12- L Ecg
Once you have the results we can already schedule you for face to face consult with corresponding date of surgery
Once the date of surgery is confirmed: you can pay the reservation fee of php 5,000 deductible from total contract amount
Dr. Levi John Lansangan
BPI 1955-8021-67
Gcash 09175727158
You can take a pic of the deposit slip payment slip and send it via viber in this platform
See you and stay beautiful as always!

Yes, it is an out-patient procedure.

The procedure takes about 2-3 hours depending on the extent of nasal correction the patient wishes to have.

Typically, IV sedation is used for reconstructive rhinoplasty. With this, the patient will experience NO pain while the procedure is being done. The anesthesiologist will discuss this prior to the procedure, and will take into consideration the patient’s medical history, the procedure, and other relevant wishes. If the patient is anxious to undergo IV sedation, there’s an option to perform the rhinoplasty under local anesthesia. There is slight discomfort when the local anesthetic is administered but once the nerve endings are blocked, the surgery will be a painless experience for the patient.

Dr. Lansangan suggests to take a week off from work. Generally there is little pain and mild discomfort due to stuffy nose. A minimal bleeding from the incision site is common which often resolves in 3 days. The patient will have some swelling and bruising around the eyes that usually begins to disappear within few days. By the time the sutures and nasal splint are removed on the 7th day, much of the bruising has gone, and should completely subside in 2 weeks. The patient will be prescribed with pain relievers, antihistamines and antibiotics which he has to strictly follow to avoid complications.

Some people with deskbound jobs go back to work after 3-5 days. On the 7th day, upon removal of the nasal splint and the sutures, some begin to work as usual. However, for some whose jobs require demanding activity (i.e. athletes, field engineers, etc.), it may take about 2-3 weeks to return to work.

You will notice a significant improvement once the swelling subsides on the 2nd-3rd week. Often times, patients are advised not to look in the mirror for a period of two weeks to avoid anxiety and sometimes mild depression because of the nose and face swelling. Certainly, everything will improve and the patient will notice the difference on the 3rd week. However, the final result will be evident on the 6th month when all the swelling has resolved and skin contraction is complete.

Yes. The most common surgical procedures that are done in conjunction with rhinoplasty are chin augmentation, fat transfer (cheek augmentation), eyebag removal and eyelid creation.

Individuals who are self-conscious and bothered about the look of their nose and wish to either correct or dramatically improve it can undergo the procedure provided they have realistic expectations, are generally healthy and not immuno-compromised (diabetics, HIV infected, and the likes). Patients are advised to disclose to the surgeon his general health, any kind of chronic illness and medications. Of particular concerns are: diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, liver and kidney disease, bleeding and wound healing problems, and cancer.
The youngest age for female is 14 years old and for male is 16 years old. (Parental consent is required)