Dr. Levi John Lansangan
I specialize in the field of rhinoplasty which includes primary, revision, and reconstructive cases. The procedure depends on the anatomy and needs of the patient and can be augmentation or reduction in nature. I don’t use silastic (silicone) implants in my practice and prefer porous (goretex) implants as the results are more natural looking and less prone to infection, rejection and contracture formation.
2nd Hands on Course in Irradiated Rib & Dermis Rhinoplasty
Thank you to all the participants of our 2nd HANDS ON COURSE IN IRRADIATED RIB & DERMIS (IRD) RHINOPLASTY. It is a
1st Dr. Shimmian hands on course in Irradiated rib and dermis Rhinoplasty
We always do it right the first time!!! Thank you very much to all the participants of the 1st Dr. Shimmian hands
Dr. Shimmian Hands On Course in Irradiated Rib and Dermis Rhinoplasty
Innovation of techniques coupled with modern safe materials guided by evidence based surgical results is the new way to approach the aesthetic